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Meeting Notice

Agenda - Revised

2016 Council priorities for Atlantic herring

Amendment 8 – ABC control rule/localized depletion

Butterworth, D. S. 2007. Why a management procedure approach? Some positives and negatives. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64:613–617.
Holland, 2010. “Management Strategy Evaluation and Management Procedures”
Framework 2/2013-2015 Herring Specifications. [see Sects. 2.2.2, 2.2.7]
EBFM PDT June 6, 2015 report
Deroba, 2015. An introduction to a Management Strategy Evaluation for Atlantic herring harvest control rules
NEFMC SSC May 29, 2015 memo: “Terms of reference – OFLs and ABC recommendations for Atlantic Herring”
Herring Amendment 1, Section 7.10 “Measures related to a purse seine/fixed gear-only area” [considered but rejected measures]

Portside data
Herring Amendment 5, Appendix IIA: “Comparison of (landed) bycatch estimates from portside and at sea observer sampling programs in the Atlantic herring fishery” by Matt Cieri and Steve Correia
Herring Amendment 5, Appendix IIB: “A comparison of portside and at-sea sampling methods of estimating bycatch in the Atlantic herring fishery” by Micah Dean, May 2011.
Herring Framework 3, Appendix II: “Calculating 2014-2015 RH/S catch cap options for the Atlantic herring fishery”, by the Herring PDT, September 2013.
Herring PDT meeting summary, October 29, 2014.
2016-2018 Herring Specifications, Appendix I: “Development of options for RH/S catch caps in the Atlantic herring fishery, 2016-2018”

2017-2022 Research priorities
1511 update to TEWG Fisheries data gaps
151124 DRAFT MAFMC 2016-2020 research plan
“NEFMC research priorities and data needs, 2010-2014
“Herring cooperative research priorities, 2016-2018”