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Meeting Notice

0. Summary of 2019 Projection Outputs
0a. Presentation: Dr. Hart
01. Staff Presentation

1. Meeting Agenda

2. Meeting Memo from Committee Chair, Mr. Vincent Balzano

3. Framework 32 Documents:
a. Framework 32 Decision Document (may be updated before mtg)
b. Draft Framework 32 (may be updated before mtg)
c. 2019 Fishery Performance
d. Measures to reduce fishery impacts
d1. Staff Presentation

4. Background on control dates and LAGC permit movement information
a. Staff Presentation

5. Meeting summaries and memos:
a. Scallop Committee Meeting Summary, Sept. 19, 2019
b. Scallop Advisory Panel Meeting Summary, Sept. 18, 2019
c. Scallop PDT Meeting Summaries: July – October
d. Scallop PDT memo to the SSC re: 2020 and 2021 (default) OFLs and ABCs
e. Scallop PDT memo to GF PDT re: Georges Bank yellowtail flounder

6. 2020 Priorities: 2019 work items and potential 2020 work priorities for the Scallop FMP

7. Correspondence