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The Joint Frameworks establish Scallop Access Areas within Northeast (NE) multispecies Closed Area I (CAI), Closed Area II (CAII), and the Nantucket Lightship Closed Area (NLCA).

The NE multispecies closed areas are closed year-round to all fishing that is capable of catching NE multispecies, including scallop fishing. The Joint Frameworks allow the scallop fishery to access the scallop resource within portions of the NE multispecies closed areas during specified seasons, and ensure that NE multispecies catches by scallop vessels are consistent with the Multispecies FMP. The Joint Frameworks also revise the Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) closed areas implemented under Amendment 10 to the Scallop FMP (Amendment 10) in order to make the areas consistent with the EFH closures under the Multispecies FMP, as established by Amendment 13 to the Multispecies FMP (Amendment 13).

NMFS implements concurrently Framework 16 to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan (Scallop FMP) andFramework 39 to the Northeast Multispecies FMP (Multispecies FMP) (Joint Frameworks) developed by the New England Fishery Management Council (Council).

Final Rule