
Management Status

#1 Draft Framework Adjustment 48

#1b Errata: Revised Economic Impact Summary Tables

#1c Errata: Section SNE Winter Flounder AM Area Economic Impacts (p. 625)

Draft Appendix

#2 Framework 48 Decision Document (this version is for the Committee meeting and will be updated for the Council meeting)

#3 Science and Statistical Committee Report dated December 13, 2012 on GB yellowtail flounder OFL

#4 Presentation on a proposed redfish fishery sector exemption

#5 FR: Proposed Rule to implement a targeted Redfish fishery for Sector vessels

#6 Groundfish Oversight Committee Report from November 5, 2012

#7a-f Groundfish Catch Reports

#8 Correspondence

#8a Additional Correspondence

#9 Staff Presentation: Analysis of Sector Exemptions to Year Round Closed Areas

#10 Staff Presentation: FW 48

4:30 Other Business

5:00 Adjourn