Management Status

  1. Draft Amendment 19
    1a. Amendment 19 Public Hearing Document
    1b. Amendment 19 Written Public Comments
    1c. Amendment 19 Summary of Oral Comments
  2. Draft Framework 27 Alternatives
    2a. Table with FW27 preferred alternatives
  3. Draft Framework 27 Analyses
  4. Scallop PDT Memo to GF PDT - bycatch projections for FW27
  5. Scallop PDT Meeting Summary and Conference Call Notes
  6. Potential 2016 Work Priorities for the Scallop FMP
  7. Draft Scallop AP and Committee motions (November 18 and 19, 2015)
  8. Staff Presentation on Scallop Committee Report
  9. Correspondence
  10. DRAFT PDT Memo to Committee - addt'l analyses for Framework 27