Management Status

1. Groundfish Committee meeting motions for Council meeting

2. Presentation: Groundfish Committee Report

a. Presentation: TRAC 2018 Summary (U.S. TRAC Co-Chair/NEFSC)
b. Eastern Georges Bank Cod, Status Report, TRAC, 2018/01
c. Eastern Georges Bank Haddock, Status Report, TRAC, 2018/02
d. Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder, Status Report, TRAC, 2018/03
e. Presentation: TMGC 2018 Summary (U.S. TMGC Co-Chair)
f. DRAFT TMGC 2018 Guidance Document

4. Framework Adjustment 58/Specifications and Management Measures
a. Draft alternatives under development, with Groundfish Committee recommendations from Sept. 18, 2018 meeting incorporated
b. Memo from Groundfish PDT to SSC re GB yellowtail flounder ABC, including a memo from the Scallop PDT (Aug. 9, 2018)
c. Memo from Groundfish PDT to SSC re Rebuilding strategies for several groundfish stocks (Aug. 13, 2018)
d. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Committee re development of alternatives for Framework Adjustment 58 (Sept. 14, 2018)

5. Amendment 23/Groundfish Monitoring – Memo from the Groundfish PDT to the Committee re progress report on Amendment 23 (Sept. 10, 2018)

6. Meeting Summaries
a. Groundfish Committee meeting summary, June 1, 2018
b. Fishery Data for Stock Assessments Working Group meeting summaries from June 25, Aug. 6, and Sept. 7, 2018, located here:
c. Groundfish Advisory Panel Meeting Motions, Sept. 18, 2018
d. Groundfish Committee Meeting Motions, Set. 18, 2018

7. Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishery, Final Year-End Results for FY 2017, NMFS/GARFO

8. Correspondence