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Groundfish Materials

Terms of Reference

1. Updates on the Cod Management Transition Plan and Assessment and Management of Transboundary stocks
a. Staff presentation
b. Atlantic Cod Management Transition Plan
c. Link for more information about transboundary assessment and management

2. OFLs and ABCs for Groundfish Stocks
a. Stock Assessments
i. Presentation on GB cod 2024 assessment by NEFSC staff
ii. Georges Bank Cod 2024 Management Track Assessment Report
iii. Presentation on SNE cod 2024 assessment by NEFSC staff
iv. Southern New England Cod 2024 Management Track Assessment Report
v. Presentation on WGOM cod 2024 assessment by NEFSC staff
vi. Western Gulf of Maine Cod 2024 Management Track Assessment Report
vii. Presentation on EGOM cod 2024 assessment by NEFSC staff
viii. Eastern Gulf of Maine Cod 2024 Management Track Assessment Report
ix. Presentation on GB yellowtail flounder 2024 assessment by NEFSC staff
x. Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder 2024 Management Track Assessment Report
xi. Peer Review Report, Spring 2024 Management Track Stock Assessments
xii. Assessment supporting materials available at:

b. Groundfish Plan Development Team
i. Groundfish PDT presentation by Council staff
ii. Groundfish PDT memo to SSC re OFLs and ABCs for Atlantic cod stocks, FY 2025 -2027
iii. Groundfish PDT memo to SSC re OFL and ABC for GB yellowtail flounder, FY 2025 -2026
iv. Risk Policy Matrix for GB cod
v. Risk Policy Matrix for SNE cod
vi. Risk Policy Matrix for WGOM cod
vii. Risk Policy Matrix for EGOM cod
viii. Risk Policy Matrix for GB yellowtail flounder

c. Prior SSC memos to Council re OFLs and ABCs
i. FY 2022 - 2024 Gulf of Maine cod, October 25, 2021
ii. FY 2023 - 2024 GB cod, September 2, 2022
iii. FY 2024 - 2025 GB yellowtail flounder, September 15, 2023

d. Northeast Multispecies SAFE Report, including background information on the social and economic status of the fishery and prior management actions

e. FY 2022 Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Catch Report, GARFO

f. Correspondence - Updated

    3. Apportioning Biomass of GB Cod and Haddock into the Eastern GB Management Area
    a. Presentation on apportionment methods by NEFSC staff
    b. Report on apportionment methods

      Herring Materials

      Terms of Reference

      1. Management Track Stock Assessment
      a. Presentation on 2024 stock assessment by NEFSC staff
      b. Atlantic Herring 2024 Management Track Stock Assessment Report, July 2, 2024
      c. Assessment supporting materials

      2. Atlantic Herring Plan Development Team
      a. Atlantic Herring PDT presentation by Council staff
      b. Atlantic Herring PDT and TC memo to SSC re OFLs and ABCs for Atlantic herring, FY 2025-2027
      c. Risk Policy Matrix for Atlantic Herring

      3. SSC memo to Council re 2023-2025 OFLs and ABCs for Atlantic herring, September 2, 2022

      4. Atlantic Herring SAFE Report, including background information on the social and economic status of the fishery and prior management actions

      General Background Documents
      1. The Council’s Risk Policy Road Map (2016), which includes the Risk Policy Statement and Implementation Plan, see pp. 4-5
      2. 2024 State of the Ecosystem – New England. NOAA/NEFSC