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Meeting Notice


  1. Atlantic Herring MSE Peer Review Overview
  2. Terms of Reference for the Herring MSE Peer Review
  3. Herring MSE Process, February 24, 2017
  4. Atlantic Herring MSE Technical Methods and Outcomes, February 24, 2017
  5. First Workshop of the Atlantic Herring MSE Summary Report, May 15-16, 2016
  6. Herring PDT, AP, and Committee MSE Recommendations, June 10, 2016
  7. Second Workshop of the Atlantic Herring MSE Summary Report, December 7-8, 2016
  8. Background information on the Atlantic Herring Resource, Management Plan and Fishery, February, 17, 2017
  9. Correspondence

10. MSE Process
11. Herring Models
12. Predator Models
13. Economic Models
14. MSE Results