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Meeting Notice

  1. Meeting/General information
    1. Meeting agenda
    2. Meeting memo from Skate Committee Chair, Mr. Scott Olszewski
    3. Skate staff presentation
    4. Timeline of skate work, March 2023 update
  2. Thorny Skate White Paper – Draft as of March 10, 2023
  3. 2024-2025 Skate Specifications
    1. DRAFT 2024-2025 Skate Specifications Discussion Document – Draft as of March 15, 2023
    2. Skate PDT memo to Committee regarding recreational catch of skates, March 9, 2023
    3. 2024-2025 Skate Specifications Action Plan
  4. 2022 Skate Annual Monitoring Report (for FY 2021)
  5. Meeting summaries
    1. Skate AP-Cte, September 1, 2022
    2. Skate Committee, November 7, 2022
    3. Skate PDT, February 17, 2023