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Amendment 5 was developed to: Improve the collection of real-time, accurate catch information; enhance the monitoring and sampling of catch at-sea; and address bycatch issues through responsible management.

The approved measures include: Revising fishery management program provisions (permitting provisions, vessel notification requirements, measures to address herring carrier vessels, regulatory definitions, and requirements for vessel monitoring systems); expanding vessel requirements to maximize observers’ ability to sample catch at-sea; minimizing the discarding of unsampled catch (commonly known as slippage); addressing the incidental catch and bycatch of river herring; and revising the criteria for midwater trawl vessels’ access to Northeast multispecies (groundfish) closed areas. NMFS disapproved three measures in Amendment 5. These measures included: A dealer reporting requirement; a cap that, if achieved, would require vessels discarding catch before it had been sampled by observers (known as slippage) to return to port; and a requirement for 100-percent observer coverage on Category A and B vessels, coupled with an industry contribution of $325 per day toward observer costs. NMFS disapproved these three measures because it believes they are inconsistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) and other applicable law. Therefore, these three measures are not implemented in this action.

Final Rule
Volume II - Appendices