Management Status

1. Groundfish Oversight Committee meeting summary , March 17, 2011
2. Groundfish Oversight Committee meeting summary, April 18, 2011
3. Groundfish Plan Development Team conference call summary dated March 4, 2011
4. Groundfish Plan Development Team Conference Call Summary dated March 7, 2011
5. Draft Framework Adjustment 46 (haddock catch cap)
6. Draft Amendment 17 to address NOAA-sponsored, state-operated permit banks
7a. Sector projects overview
7b. Strawman sector review workshop plan
7c. Sector "Lessons Learned" workshop - Strawman agenda
8. TMGC - exploration of trading of quota – staff discussion paper
9. Groundfish catch reports
10. Sector ACE trading report
11. Correspondence
12. NMFS Letter re: Framework 45
13. Additional Correspondence
14. Permit Holder Letter re: Framework 45
15. Presentation: Framework Adjustment 46
16. Additional Correspondence - Herring Alliance
17. Additional Correspondence brought to Council Meeting