Management Status

1. Groundfish Committee motions for Council meeting

2. Presentation: Council Staff

3. Framework Adjustment 63/Specifications and Management Measures
a. Draft alternatives version 2
b. Draft affected environment version 2
c. Draft impacts analysis
c1. Part One
c2. Part Two
d. Groundfish PDT to SSC re GB yellowtail flounder OFLs and ABCs, including a memo from the Scallop PDT to the Groundfish PDT
e. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Scientific and Statistical Committee re Candidate OFLs and ABCs for Georges Bank cod and Gulf of Maine cod for FY2022-FY2024
f. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Scientific and Statistical Committee re OFLs and ABCs for Georges Bank haddock and Gulf of Maine haddock for FY2022, revised version
g. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Scientific and Statistical Committee re Candidate OFL and ABC for white hake for FY2022
h. Memo from Groundfish PDT to Committee re Framework Adjustment 63 – Georges Bank cod recreational fishery management version 1 (version 2 to be provided)
i. ADDITIONAL: 2021 TRAC documents (3d-3f), located here:
j. Decision Document for Draft Framework Adjustment 63 version 2 
k. Scallop PDT to Groundfish PDT re Scallop Fishery Bycatch Outlook for FY 2022
l. Council Staff Memo to Groundfish Committee re Framework Adjustment 63 – Georges Bank Cod Sub-Component Analysis

4. Summary of TMGC Intercessional Meeting, Nov. 4, 2021
a. Presentation
b. Reference: DLMtool application for Eastern Georges Bank Cod

5. Meeting Summaries
a. Recreational Advisory Panel, Sep. 22, 2021
b. Groundfish Advisory Panel, Sep. 22, 2021
c. Groundfish Committee, Sep. 23, 2021
d. Groundfish Advisory Panel, meeting motions, Nov. 22, 2021
e. Recreational Advisory Panel, meeting motions, Nov. 29, 2021
f. Groundfish Committee, meeting motions, Nov. 30, 2021

6. Correspondence

a. Additional Correspondence

7. Memo from the Executive Director to the Council re Remand of an Acceptable Biological Catch to the Scientific and Statistical Committee, Nov. 23, 2021

8. Memo from Executive Director to Council re possible remand of GB Cod ABC