Management Status

1. Groundfish Committee motions for the Council meeting

2. Presentation: Groundfish Committee Report, Council Staff - Updated

3. Fishing Year 2022 Recreational Measures
a. Recent catch and effort summary for Gulf of Maine cod and Gulf of Maine haddock
b. Summary of measures options from the bioeconomic model

4. Atlantic Cod
a. Summary Report of the 2021 Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Workshops - Draft
b. Presentation: 2021 Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Workshops
c. Presentation: Atlantic Cod Research Track Working Group
d. Atlantic Cod Stock Structure Discussion Guide

5. Meeting Summaries
a. Recreational Advisory Panel, meeting summary, Nov. 29, 2021
b. Groundfish Committee, draft meeting summary, Nov. 30, 2021
c. Recreational Advisory Panel, meeting motions or draft meeting summary, Jan. 18, 2022 - Updated
d. Groundfish Committee, meeting motions or draft meeting summary, Jan. 20, 2022 - Updated

6. Correspondence
a. Additional Correspondence