Management Status

1. Groundfish Committee Motions

2. Council’s Groundfish Priorities Quarterly Outlook for 2023

3. Presentation, Council Staff

4. Framework Adjustment 66
a. Draft outline of alternatives
b. Groundfish PDT memo to Committee re alternatives for addressing large swings in Canadian halibut catch

5. Framework Adjustment to Revise ABC Control Rules
a. Draft Work Plan for ABC Control Rules
b. Draft Discussion Document

6. Atlantic Cod Management
a. Draft Work Plan for Atlantic Cod Management Transition Plan
b. Groundfish PDT memo to Committee re summary of general criteria for developing management units
c. Groundfish PDT memo to Committee re summary of recent studies on cod spawning

7. Meeting Summaries
a. Recreational Advisory Panel, Jun. 20, 2023
b. Groundfish Advisory Panel, Jun. 20, 2023
c. Groundfish Committee, Jun. 21, 2023

8. Correspondence

Other Relative Information

1. SSC Presentation

2. May 5, 2023 SSC Report