2024 Council Comment Letters

GARFO on Monkfish - 10/10/24

ONMS on Special Use Permit Category - 9/19/24

NOAA on Draft EBFM Road Map - 8/20/24

NOAA on EBFM Roadmap Comment Extension Request - 7/1/24

GARFO on Scallop RSA Research Priority Setting - 7/1/24

GARFO on 2024-2027 RSA Priorities - 7/1/24

EPA on Carbon Capture Experiments - 6/28/24

BOEM on Gulf of Maine Proposed Sale Notice for Wind Energy Leasing - 6/28/2024

NEFSC on 2024 Atlantic Cod Stock Assessment Review - 6/28/24

BOEM on Atlantic Shores North - 4/30/24

NOAA on Recreation Data Collection - 4/29/24

NOAA on Proposed Rule NOAA-HG-0146 Confidentially of Information - 4/22/24

BOEM on Gulf of Maine EA - 4/16/24

NOAA on Funding - 3/28/24

NEFSC and GARFO on Scallop LAGCIFQ Review - 3/12/24

BOEM on NY Bight PEIS - 2/23/24

BOEM on Central-ALT PSN - 2/12/24

NOAA on Harbor Porpoise Gear Requirements - 2/8/24

NEFSC on 2024 Atlantic Cod Stock Assessments - 2/7/24

2023 Council Comment Letters

BOEM on Gulf of Maine draft WEA's - 11/20/23

BOEM on Maryland Wind Project - 11/20/23

BOEM on draft Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Gulf of Maine - 10/19/23

BOEM on Central Atlantic Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) - 8/30/23

BOEM on Wind Energy Area development in the Gulf of Maine - 8/2/23

Beacon Wind NOI - 7/26/23

BOEM EFH Conservation Recommendations for the Revolution Wind project - 7/19/23

Atlantic Shores South DEIS – 6/30/23

GOM Call for Information – 6/12/23

GOM Notice of Intent to Prepare EA – 6/5/23

Renewable Energy Development Modernization Rule – 4/26/23

South Coast Wind DEIS – 4/14/23

New England Wind DEIS – 2/21/23

Sunrise Wind DEIS – 2/14/23

Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind DEIS – 2/14/23

Port Access Route Study (PARS) for ME, NH, and MA – 2/1/23

Empire Wind DEIS – 1/17/23

2022 Council Comment Letters

Central Atlantic Call Areas – 12/16/22

BOEM on Revolution Wind DEIS - 10/17/22

BOEM on RFCI to Prepare Research Lease in GOM - 10/3/22

BOEM on RFI to Prepare Commercial Leases in GOM - 10/3/22

First Coast Guard District on MNMPARS - 8/26/22

BOEM on Programmatic EIS for New York Bight Wind Leases - 8/24/22

BOEM on Draft environmental impact statement for Ocean Wind 1 project off New Jersey 8/23/22

BOEM on DRAFT Fisheries Mitigation Guidance - 8/22/22

BOEM on PEIS for GOM Leasing - 7/27/22

BOEM on NOI for US Wind Project off Maryland - 7/8/22

BOEM on Central Atlantic Call for Information and Nominations - 6/28/22

BOEM on Survey Mitigation - 5/6/22

First Coast Guard District on MNMPARS - 4/28/22

Maine Governor's Energy Office on Maine's Offshore Wind Roadmap - 4/27/22

NYSERDA on Draft Procurement – 4/08/22

U.S Army Corps of Engineers on Running Tide - 2/15/22

U.S Army Corps of Engineers on Amitie Cable - 2/15/22

NOAA Sanctuaries on Review of Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary Nomination – 2/3/22

BOEM on Fisheries Mitigation - 01/07/22

2021 Council Comment Letters

BOEM on Mayflower Wind Project - 12/1/21

BOEM on Notice of Intent Atlantic Shores - 11/01/21

BOEM on Notice of Intent Sunrise Wind - 10/04/21

BOEM on NY Bight Leasing EA - 09/20/21

NSTC Subcommittee on Aquaculture Draft Strategy Plans - 09/07/21

BOEM on NY Bight Proposed Sale Notice - 8/13/21

BOEM on Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Notice of Intent – 08/02/21

BOEM on Vineyard Wind South Notice of Intent – 07/30/21

BOEM on Empire Wind Notice of Intent – 07/26/21

U.S. Coast Guard on Chesapeake Bay Port Access Route Study – 07/16/21

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers on Blue Water Fisheries - 7/2/21

BOEM on Revolution Wind Notice of Intent - 06/01/21

BOEM on Ocean Wind NOI - 04/28/21

BOEM on New York Bight Wind Energy Areas and Environmental Assessment - 04/28/21

BOEM on Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Deepwater Wind South Fork LLC’s 02/22/21

Department of Interior on Marine Monuments - 02/12/21

2020 Council Comment Letters

NOAA/GARFO on Blue Water Fisheries Aquaculture Project in Federal Waters off MA and NH – 12/22/20

NOAA on Aquaculture Opportunity Areas Request for Information - 12/18/20

U.S. Coast Guard on Northern NY Bight PARS - 8/28/20

USFWS and NMFS on ESA Habitat Definition - 8/26/20

BOEM on Vineyard Wind SEIS - 7/27/20

U.S. Coast Guard on MARIPARS 3/16/20

BOEM on Offshore Wind Development Activities 1/31/20

2019 Council Comment Letters

BOEM on Draft Proposed Guidelines for Providing Information on Lighting and Marking of Structures Supporting Renewable Energy Development 11/22/19

BOEM on Outer Continental Shelf Offshore New York and New Jersey 7/17/19

Coast Guard Port Access Route Study: Areas off MA and RI 5/28/19

BOEM Vineyard Wind DEIS 1/22/19

2018 Council Comment Letters

BOEM South Fork Proposed Facility 11/19/18

BOEM Atlantic Wind Lease Sale 6/4/18

BOEM New York Bight Call Area 6/4/18

BOEM proposed path forward 5/2/18

BOEM Vineyard Wind 4/30/18

BOEM oil and gas 2/9/18

2017 Council Comment Letters

NYSERDA fish and fisheries review 8/29/17

NAVY re DEIS 8/23/17

NYSERDA info request 8/18/17

BOEM oil and gas 8/15/17

DOI oil and gas 6/29/17

ONMS Hudson Canyon 6/29/17

DOI monuments 6/26/17

2016 Council Comment Letters

GARFO monuments 11/18/16

2015 Council Comment Letters

BOEM oil and gas leasing 3/27/15

2014 Council Comment Letters

BOEM Deepwater Wind 7/9/14

2012 Council Comment Letters

BOEM Environmental Studies 11/20/12

BOEM Deep Water Wind Request 6/22/12

2011 Council Comment Letters

BOEM Outer Continental Shelf 10/3/11