STATUS UPDATE: The New England Fishery Management Council will not be developing an amendment to the Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery Management Plan to analyze alternatives for scallop leasing. The Council made this decision during its September 2022 meeting.
The Council conducted scoping for a scallop fishery Limited Access days-at-sea (DAS) and access area leasing program to assess: (1) the need for a leasing program; and (2) what elements the leasing program should consider. The Council gathered input from the public on this topic through a series of scoping meetings and through written comments. The scoping period concluded at 8 a.m. on July 5, 2022.
Three documents summarizing the comments received can be found at the following links:
- Combined Summaries and Attendance of Scallop Leasing Scoping Meetings
- Written Comments Submitted to the Council
- Scoping Summary Report
Q: Where can I find more information?
A: More information is available in the Scoping Meeting Notice and in the Scoping Document.

The New England Fishery Management Council conducted in-person scoping meetings from April 27 through June 2, 2022 at the locations marked below. Two webinar meetings were also held on June 17 and June 24, 2022.