Management Status

1. Staff Presentation
a. Framework 30
b. LAGC IFQ Trip Limit Analyses

2. Motions from Scallop AP and Committee Meetings - September 13 & 14, 2018

3. Scallop Framework 30
a. Framework 30 Action Plan
b. 2018 preliminary combined survey estimates and PDT recommendations

4. LAGC IFQ Trip Limit Analyses
a. Scenario Analyses of Possession Limits for the LAGC IFQ fishery
b. Updated information and LAGC IFQ Trip Limit Discussion Document

5. Update on 2018 Priorities and draft list of Potential 2019 Priorities for Scallop FMP

6. Meeting Summaries
a. July 25, 2018 Scallop PDT meeting summary
b. August 28/29, 2018 Scallop PDT meeting summary
c. September 5, 2018 Scallop PDT meeting summary

7. Correspondence

Note: Additional 2018 survey information is available on the Council website at this link: